Founder of Artemis Healing Arts, Midwife, Doula, Musician, Artist
Hope Medford
~ Our Community Teachers~ & Wise Women
We are proud to offer our online classes featuring diverse voices and perspectives from an amazing variety of talented women. Hope Medford will facilitate each program, being the voice that weaves together the perspectives and ideas of each of these brilliant women in our community of wise women.
Orgasmic Birth
Debra Pascali Bonaro
Birth into Being, Doula trainer
Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
Honor the Earth
Winona LaDuke
Family Physician Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering
Sarah Buckley
Midwife, Cranial sacral therapist
Carol Gray
Water Birth International, Birth Guardian Trainer
Barbra Harper
Wild Feminine, physical therapist
Tami Kent
Midwife, co-founder of ICTC
Gail Hart
Yoga Way to Birth
Tina Lily
Waubizhayshee- Native American Midwife & Educator
Doreen Day
Parenting for Peace author & educator
Marcy Axness
ND- Naturopathic Doctor, Holistic Pelvic Care
Ami Opal
Obstetric MD., Full Circle Holistic Women's Health